Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a referral?
No, you are welcome to connect about booking an appointment for yourself or your child/youth.
What happens at my first appointment?
The first appointment is all about information gathering and developing an initial relationship with your psychologist. This is an opportunity for you to ask an questions about how your psychologist or the process of counselling works. The psychologist will also ask a number of questions about the presenting issue, what you are hoping to achieve in counselling and questions regarding your personal history and symptoms. This helps the psychologist determine the best course of action to address your needs. Your input is very important.
What is confidentiality?
In general, communication between a client and a psychologist is private, and information can only be released to others with the client's written permission. As well, maintaining confidentiality is essential to the counselling relationship regardless of the age of the client. There are exceptions or limitations to confidentiality that will be discussed with you early on in treatment and you will review a consent form which also specifically outlines these exceptions. Please ask questions for clarification.
What can I do in an crisis situation?
Your psychologist does not provide crisis services, but wants to ensure that you are equipped with personal and professional resources should you experience a personal mental health crisis. Your psychologist should be notified of the crisis and a follow-up appointment should be booked after crisis services have supported you or your child.
What are the costs of counselling?
Individual, child/youth and couples counselling sessions are typically 50 minutes in length with a standard fee of $220 per session. Additional fees are charged for report writing, letters, and form completion and are set in accordance with the Recommended Fee Schedule set by the Psychologists Association of Alberta. These services are not guaranteed and should be discussed prior to the start of therapy with the psychologist. 80 minute couples counselling sessions are also available for an additional cost.
What if I have to cancel my appointment?
Please note that 24 hours notice is require for cancellation or rescheduling of an appointment. $100 will be charged for late cancellations or no shows to appointments.
How do I pay for my session?
Etransfer, cheques, and credit card methods are accepted forms of payment. Etransfer must be made prior to the session. The full session fee is due at the end of the session for all other forms of payment.
Do you direct bill?
Registered Psychologists services are covered by most health insurance plans. Please check with your benefits administrator to confirm the amount of coverage you have for psychological services and when it renews for the year. Following each session, you will be provided you with a receipt to be submitted for reimbursement. We may have the ability to direct bill in some cases for you. Keep in mind, insurance companies have a right to ask about your session attendance to prevent fraud.
How often do I come?
This is a question that is often discussed during our first session together. The more regularly you attend sessions, the more likely you are to benefit from therapy and maintain any changes consistently. It is often recommended that you attend weekly or every second week, however, some folks are limited due to finances and this should not discourage you from attending. Your psychologist will try to make a plan that suits both your emotional health and financial needs.
What do I bring to session?
The most important thing your bring to session is yourself and your willingness to be open to the process. If you would like to bring a long a journal to write down reminders or help you to keep track of your therapeutic work, please feel free to do so. In certain cases, your psychologist may provide you with a journal. You are also welcome to bring along a beverage of your choice.
My child is receiving therapy. Do I participate as a parent?
Counselling for children/youth requires parental involvement. It is not like dropping off your car for a repair. Children/youth learn and grow within a family system and that system needs a clear understanding of how they can support that individual. Parent(s) are required to attend the first session to discuss confidentiality, the zone of privacy and answer questions about their child's history and presenting concerns. Parents remain involved in the process and are provided with general updates. Parental strategies are sometimes recommended. At times, family work also occurs as part of the child/teen's counselling process.
For my child or teen's first session, do I bring my child/teen or is it just the parents who attend?
This will be discussed with you during your initial consult call with your psychologist. It may be of benefit in certain circumstances for parents to come on their own for the first session.
My child has a step-parent. What is their role in therapy?
While step-parents are often an important part of the family, if they are not a legal guardian of the child/youth they are not entitled to information about the individual's counselling unless both guardians have agreed that they should be a part of the process.
My child's other parent and I are no longer together. Who provides consent for services?
In divorce cases, both parents are required to provide consent unless otherwise specified by a court order. If counselling is specified in a divorce case by a court order, the court order is to be presented prior to services commencing.
Do you work with high conflict divorce or provide comment or assessments to the court regarding custody/access?
At this time, this clinic does not accept high conflict divorce cases. If a case becomes a high conflict case during counselling services, recommendations for specialists in this area will be made and services will be discontinued for the purposes of providing the best care for the child/youth. We are not court experts.
How often do I get updates about my child/teen's progress in therapy?
General updates are provided at regular intervals. Should you not receive an update and you would like one, please ask. Open communication is imperative and this statement is often reiterated during the counselling process.
I am the parent of a young adult who sees you. We are financially covering the cost of the session for our adult child. How does this work?
The young adult's confidentiality remains protected. If they provide permission for you to pay for their sessions, the only communication between yourself and the psychologist will be related to billing and for the most part the communication will occur via the young adult. Paying for sessions does not entitle you to information about your young adult's care, unless the young adult would like to have you involved and provides written consent to allow this to occur.