Let's start rebuilding, reconnecting and re-imagining your future together!

Couples Counselling

​"Happy marriages are based on deep friendship. A mutual respect for & enjoyment of each other's company." John Gottman


We are often have not prepared for the fact that marriage is hard work and that work is about ongoing communication, building friendship, and learning about our partner's inner world and future goals. At various points in our relationship we can feel disconnected from and resentful of our partners.

We welcome you to reconnect and work on improving your friendship and communication with our support. We use the Gottman Method for couples therapy, which is initially quite heavy on assessment and does involve completing a number of questionnaires. The result is an individualized treatment plan designed with your input and based on your strengths and weaknesses as a couple. This is built for you using Gottman's sound relationship house as a framework and is an evidence based form of couples counselling.